areas: content, cover, extra, title
A Card container places blocks on a white background with a card border.
The Card has content
, title
and extra
areas. The title
area replaces properties.title
if defined.
Block Setup
id: block_id type: Card
Card JSON Schema Definition
type: object properties: type: object properties: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: bordered: type: boolean default: true description: Toggles rendering of the border around the card. hoverable: type: boolean default: false description: Lift up when hovering card. headerStyle: type: object description: Css style to applied to card header. bodyStyle: type: object description: Css style to applied to card body. inner: type: boolean default: false description: Change the card style to inner. size: type: string enum: - default - small default: default description: Size of the card. title: type: string description: Title to show in the title area - supports html. Overwritten by blocks in the title content area. events: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: onClick: type: array description: Trigger actions when the Card is clicked.